Michal Martychowiec (born 1987) is a Berlin-based conceptual artist working in photography, film, drawing, neon, painting, sculpture, and installation. Martychowiec’s practice is characterized by a deep engagement with historical narratives and philosophical concepts, often intertwined with socio-political commentary. His work challenges viewers to reconsider their understanding of the past, present, and future through a complex system of recurring symbols, including the panda, the rabbit Josephine, broken glass, and glass crystals. These symbols evolve and transform across different works and exhibitions, inviting viewers to engage in a process of interpretation and reinterpretation.

Martychowiec often contemplates the contemporary human condition through an ongoing reconstruction and reconsideration of historical narratives, relating meaningful locations, historical events, persons, or works of art to his symbolic system. His work delves into the complexities of freedom, power structures, and the human condition, prompting viewers to reflect on their own place within the larger systems that shape our world.

Martychowiec’s practice is deeply rooted in historical research and philosophical inquiry, drawing inspiration from a wide range of sources. By weaving together historical narratives, philosophical concepts, and personal reflections, Martychowiec creates a rich tapestry of meaning that invites viewers to engage with complex questions about the nature of reality, the role of art in society, and the human condition in the face of historical and political forces.




MA Fine Art (Distinction) | Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design | London


Postgraduate Certificate in Photography | Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design | London


Foundation Diploma in Art and Design | London College of Communication

Selected individual exhibitions


After | Rodriguez Foundation | Poznan


100 years later in front of the fountain | Nadan | Berlin


Above the Sea of Fog | Centro Párraga | Murcia


Tears of Iblis. All that is solid melts into air. | Rodríguez Gallery | Poznan

Marcel Duchamp smoking cigar in the museum | Rodríguez Gallery | Poznan

Suffer nothing to remain outsider | Nadan | Berlin

Where Do We Come From? Where Are We Now? Where Are We Going? | MMS2 | Berlin


Nachricht vom letzten Menschen: The Mythology of Michal Martychowiec  | Bublitz. Thesaurós. Uhlandstraße. | Berlin

Josephine, entering the maze | Bublitz. Thesaurós. Uhlandstraße. | Berlin


Empty room | Spazio Cordis | Verona

Winter kept us warm | Migrant Bird Space | Berlin


Everything about the contemporary is panda | Rodríguez Gallery | Warsaw

Between the two worlds, the respite, in which we are not | Lianzhou Foto | Lianzhou

Journey to the West | Signum Foundation Gallery | Lodz

Tears of Iblis | Signum Foundation Gallery | Lodz

What remains the poets provide | Signum Foundation Gallery | Lodz

Reading history | Signum Foundation Gallery | Lodz

Tears of Iblis | Migrant Bird Space | Beijing

The Nor’easter Blows | lithium gallery | Chicago

Do you believe in art? | MMS2 | Berlin

What do you desire? | Linde Contemporary Art | Qingdao


What remains the poets provide | Art Museum of NUA | Nanjing

Sous les pavés, la plage! | De Sarthe Gallery | Beijing


Engel mit Sphinx Gesichten | MMS2 | Berlin

Line | gif_lab Garage | Tokyo

Everything about the contemporary is panda | TAGSTA Gallery | Fukuoka


All is history | Dzialdov | Berlin


Vanito Vanitas | Genshagen Stiftung | Genshagen

La Chambre de Labastrie | galleria upp | Venice

In memory | Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle | Warsaw

In memory | site-specific installation at KO-SO-YU | Yamashiro Onsen, Kaga, Japan


Blue Red Green | gift_lab | Tokyo

Nel mezzo del cammin | galleria upp | Venice

Stone in water | site-specific installation at Palazzo Rizzo Patarol | Boscolo Hotel | Venice

Destination | galleria upp | Venice


Awake and Dream. Documentation /photographs and films/ | Patio Art Centre Lodz | 2nd Art & Documentation Festival


Awake and Dream. Documentation /photographs and films/ | Palazzo Doná Signum Foundation | Venice

Selected group exhibitions


Neue Erinnerungen (El Arbi Bouqdib Archive) | Bublitz | Berlin

Wendepunkt(e) und wie weiter? | Polnisches Institut | Berlin

Imperial Silhouettes: Shadows of Sovereignty | Rizq Art Initiative | Abu Dhabi

3 % | Nadan | Berlin


Let Life be Beautiful like Summer Flowers| Art Biesenthal| Wehrmuehle Museum | Biesenthal

Ab Bild | Nadan | Berlin

Nothing but Blue Sky | Rodríguez Foundation | Poznań


MITbesSTIMMEn | Kunstverein Tiergarten – Galerie Nord | Berlin

The Infinite Conversations | Beijing Biennial 2022 | Beijing

Wild Culture | Rodríguez Gallery | Madrid

…and then night ! | Rodríguez Gallery | Poznań


Berlin Masters 2021 | Berlin Masters Foundation | Berlin

BLAST | Urbs Picta – Palazzo Poste | Verona


Body. Gaze. Power. A Cultural History of the Bath | Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden

Escrituras Ácratas | Centro Párraga | Murcia

Persistence | Rodríguez Gallery | Warsaw

μυθοποίηση Tempel auf Zeit | Bublitz. Thesaurós. Uhlandstraße. | Berlin


A Time for Farewells | Shrine Empire Gallery | New Delhi

To be played | Giardino Giusti | Verona

A Time for Farewells | Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery | Haverford (PA)

UNselect | Kleine Humboldt Galerie | Berlin

Do not break the Heavenly Seal | Signum Foundation Gallery | Lodz

Greetings | Videoinsight Foundation | Turin


Where does your heart belong? | Weserburg Museum für moderne Kunst | Bremen

Flowing Books – Temporality | OCAT | Nanjing

On longing and consolation | Kunstenfestival Watou | Watou

Big Workout: AMNUA International Project III | Art Museum of NUA | Nanjing

Cabinet of True Horizons (How far can you see?) | Rodríguez Gallery | Poznan

What we talk about when we talk about Residence | Taifun | Neuss

3 | MMS3 | Chengdu


The urge to create visions 1929-2017 | Centre of Polish Sculpture | Oronsko

Neon revolution | Videoinsight Center | Turin

Image Dream Awakening | MMS2 | Berlin


Magic of the square | National Gallery of Art | Sopot

Illegibility. The contexts of script | Art Stations Foundation | Poznan

the beginning the end | MMS2 | Berlin

Illegibility. Palimpsests | Pan Tadeusz Museum | Wroclaw

Pure white | Galerie Tore Suessbier | Berlin


Spacetime | 9th Biennial of Photography | Zamek Culture Centre | Poznan

Utopia – Preterites of Contemporaneity  | Memorial Getúlio Vargas | Trio Biennial | Rio de Janeiro

Pré-Pénétrables | Signum Foundation Gallery | Lodz

Le gallerie veneziane e la fotografia  | Casa dei Tre Oci | Venice


I want to be a futurist | Videoinsight Center | Turin

When Empty Self Becomes Form | ts art projects | Berlin

Art for care: 11 video steps for your wellness – Format A/B | Videoinsight Center | Turin


Pavilion 0 | Palazzo Doná | Venice


FUTURE, LANDSCAPE. A changing exhibition. II Fase | Forte Marghera – Parco del Contemporaneo | Venice


A theory of vision: A review | Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle | Warsaw


Awake and Dream | Palazzo Doná Signum Foundation | Venice


Works in collections

OCAT | Nanjing

Blueproject Foundation | Barcelona

British Artists’ Film & Video Study Collection | London

Centre of Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle | Warsaw

C/O | Milan

Coleccion Lazaro | Madrid

Signum Foundation | Venice/Poznan

Videoinsight Foundation | Turin

MMAT Collection | London

Valencia Polytechnic University | Valencia

Cruz-Diez Foundation | Houston

Siena Art Institute | Siena



(2022) Blueproject Foundation Prize | Barcelona

(2021) Berlin Masters Prize finalist | Berlin